Join me on a life-changing spiritual journey of self-discovery and inner peace, exploring ancient Dharma teachings. We'll dive into mind purification, guided meditation, and loving awareness. My spiritual journey began in Thailand at Wat Phra Dhammakaya, the world's largest temple, where I meditated with monks and learned the Buddha's teachings. I continued my path by traveling to various monasteries, studying mind mastery under the guidance of revered monks and nuns. As a Vibrational and Energy Medicine Therapist, I've come to understand the cosmic alignment of these modalities and their universal wisdom. Through my travels, I've discovered that devout individuals from all backgrounds welcome others to meditate in their altruistic rituals, aligning with purpose and peace. My purpose is to share this collective wisdom with you, to be a positive force in your evolution and spiritual journey. Together, we'll tap into the cosmic alignment and discover the profound power of universal wisdom, unlocking a purified mind, inner peace, and compassion, and sharing loving awareness with ourselves and the world.
With Love and Metta,